Dr. Ayelech Tedesse Mamo

Ethiopia Envoy

Ayelech is a medical doctor, public health specialist, project manager, gender focal, and women’s and girls’ motivator at different community programs. Progressively, she shifted her activities from clinical work to health leadership and women’s empowerment.

She has been working for a total of 12 years as a physician, public health specialist, health project leader, and gender focal at national and international organizations.

Voluntarily, she has been giving motivational speeches to empower women and young girls at different organizations, for example, at Meseret Humanitarian Organization (MHO) and Ethiopian Community Development (ECD) for more than 2 years. Also she is humble with a kind heart, the best mother and wife. Ayeleck is economically independent and like to help others. Being born in a rural village and growing up with many struggles due to the loss of her mother and father made her stronger and more confident.

Her greatest dream and passion for the rest of her life is to be a voice for those who can’t be loud to tell their suffering because they are women. In addition, even though her childhood ambition was to be a medical doctor, seeing the women in her community/country suffering with all types of abuse and the violation of their right to get education, health, leadership, and economic decisions always gives her pause and bleeds her heart. Furthermore, Ethiopia has been plagued by famine, civil war, and poor economic growth for a long time, so it is easy to imagine how fearful women are in such a conflict-ridden country.