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Learn how we equip and inspire women from 195 countries 24/7

World Women Organization is the HQ of Women Advancement. It is where women speak to women, speak for women and speak against the vices that keep women down.

Most importantly WWO is building women to assume leadership in their communities, cities and countries and to empower them to contribute significantly to global prosperity.

Standard annual dues:

  • $35 One-year membership
  • $40 In specific states*
  • $95 Three-year membership
  • $110 Three-year membership in specific states*
  • $1,000 lifetime WWO membership
  • $10 minimum (sliding scale)

Please note: Membership dues are not tax-deductible and WWO membership is only for individuals. For monthly gifts, the first $10 will be credited toward membership dues.

*This page is to Join WWO for the first time and is not used to renew your membership. To renew your membership, click here or make a donation to WWO, click here.

Do you want to make a gift membership? Click here.